Wednesday, May 16, 2012

riding the bus

A couple weeks ago I was riding the bus...a very long way.  And when I got on, there was no single seat so I took this opportunity to pick who I felt like would talk to me.  I looked and looked.  Amongst the sleeping people and radio listeners, the book readers and conversationalists there was an oler gentleman who was sitting by himself who immediately moved his things off the seat next to him for me to sit down. Bingo.  (someone who moves their things is a sure sign they are willing to talk to you)

So we sat for a bit getting used to each others presence and then he and I begin to have this great conversation about where our adventures were leading us.  We talked about family and traveling and cars, which thanks to my dad I know something about.

Then back to family.  He has 13, no mistake in the number...13.  With nieces and nephews galore he said.  He is the only on who lives in northern california and the rest live close to LA.  He shared with me that he had just lost his house to bankruptcy and was trying to get back on his feet.  And he said despite not really having a lot and having to work pretty hard at his age, whenever he gets just enough money saved he spends it on a train ticket to go see his family.  He doesn't wait until he has an excess amount of money to go see the people he loves.  He does it right away.

This is exactly how I want to live.  Sieze the moment.  Carpe diem.  He lives it to the best.  Why wait for an opportunity to fly by when you can just do it right now.  Money is something that is important to some degree in life but why let it be the controller.  I guarantee you will miss out on adventure if you do.  And I think Jose would agree with me.

And if you're anything like me...I hate missing out on adventure.

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